Książka „Melting Puzzle” prof. Zasztowta udostępniona do nieodpłatnego pobrania

18-12-19 Promocja 0 comment

Z olbrzymią przyjemnością zapraszamy do lektury doskonałej książki prof. Leszka Zasztowta zatytułowanej Melting Puzzle. Książka ukazała się w ramach serii Bibliotheca Europae Orientalis. Książkę nieodpłatnie pobrać można klikając w ten link.

Is nobility of no relevance to anyone today and just an archaic term and phenomenon? Clearly, Professor Leszek Zasztowt thinks not. His anthology of sixteen essays explores “the most degenerated and humiliated social milieu… deprived of their property, displaced, sent into exile, and finally purged, condemned, eliminated, sentenced to oblivion and even to death”. In The Melting Puzzle. Essays on Society, Education, and Scholarly Life in East Central Europe, 19th–20th c., Professor Zasztowt explores Russian policy toward the occupied Eastern territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Its impact continues, even as we continue to try to understand it.
Dr. John Stanley Micgiel
Columbia University, New York